Quality Training

8D Training


The 8D Training is based on a training that was developed at Robert Bosch GmbH for internal use. In the past it was also offered to Bosch Suppliers.

Due to organisational reasons for company Bosch it is no longer possible to provide such an offer to suppliers.
In order to continue to satisfy suppliers’ requests for 8D training, I now offer this training in German or English.

The training script has been reworked together with the internal trainer of Bosch for external application without change of the content.

The 2-day training can be held in your house as an organisation training (up to 16 participants). Please request an individual quotation from us.

If you want to organise a training for a single person you can check with my cooperation partner VFB LB to book a training (only in german so far).

Contact me

Martin Grund
Sachsenheimer Weg 14
D-74354 Besigheim

Mobil: +49 172 135 4398
E-Mail: martin.grund@grundiqc.com

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